Tag Archive | blogging

Dull and glittery


Driving a truck tediously along highways can be let’s say it boringly dull! Dull dull dull yeah that extremely kind of dimmness that my wits are so besotted with themselves  they retreat into an  oblivion of nothingness. I had to take action! Right? 

Isn’t that what humans do, amimals go along with agendas,  people don’t. We change what we don’t care to deal with at least that’s what I try to do.  To break this down further try is the optimum word.

Rarely my deviations from what I dont care for meets with success.
Losing out I succeed in.  So good at that I am becoming a champion  losing. A champ prepares for their game mentally and physically. My mentally is this I am never surprised by my out comes. Those attempts for prosperity seldom meets my expectations.

My high ideas falling flat  can be  frustrating but  that’s okay. Edison took one thousand stabs at creating a lightbulb but he did get it done so what if it takes a thousand or ten thousand for that matter to reach what I want? Isn’t is worth it to gain from this world  what is desirable for my life?  I do believe it’s worth while.

When I was full of piss and vinegar as a teenager had elaborate plans. I dreamt of it took courses studied my brains out then life stepped in, a practical jokes on you blew  through  my door.Seventeen two short  months from independence is when derailment occurred. I wasn’t too worried if it came that easily it’ll show up again. So I believed! What I would pay for a crystal ball but none accurate enough to purchase I  tottled on my way through life.

I hadn’t known the word defeat and if I did would mot surrender to it.  Sure  pain as a child.was known. My mother made certain of it by  cutting my hair for to look like Twiggy.  That bad cut went on for two years until entering my ninth year of life. I looked like a cross dressing boy. Tears streamed down these cheeks of mine, invisibly  she never noticed.

Pain I knew , a different lose I knew too.  I was apart of the first AYSO (a soccer league) we played well. Well enough two of our girls where invited to play in Germany. We also never won a game, not one game. For the other teams they never scored more than one point over us, the games were that tight. I was defense so were the two invited so what we were missing were offensive players.

I was just fine with losing, being last to be picked or anything of that nature because I felt my ship would come any day. Forty years of waiting. People ask what I do im my spare time, I respond by saying  oh  my hobby  is waiting for the tides to bring my ship in. What do you do gor fun? They stare back blankly blubbering golf, just golf.

Forty years and as each year went by plans sought revisions for a  remodel. I didn’t want tp refurbish.  Unhappily with the changes little by little my plans dwindled like my tears at the hair cuts not noticable at first.

Sitting too much in tbe truck this lamb heart finds the blight depressing. It’s not  so much my plans losts as it’s living with regrets. You’d think I’d learn from it. I don’t.

Lessons lost on this one, should I get my head examined or just an IQ checked? Maybe both going from working on being one of the best studio sound engineers moving on up to rock n roll record producers at sixteen to just wanting to be at home. Okay I am not that simple would like to
include being tucked at a desk writing movie scripts. I’m fifty -five is it too late to squeeze my way into the movie industry?

I ask this searching for a reply gazing outside of the cab is Virginia’s tall trees speckled with homes I’ve dreamt of never owned. I’ve never owned anything so I go back to my cells screen. I don’t want to pay attention to what I clearly can’t have and I really do not want to be called upon how late our load is. This load of veggies belongs to none other than the giant  Walmart and they dont mess around.

I don’t do late. My mom was late everywhere she went, an embarrassment in the sixties. Late at work is a no no so to explain why we were late. Late began before picking up our load by having mechanical issues. We  broke down. In tbe desert. One more factor we knew due date not the time. Time in freight is like anywhere else, important,  that bit missing got to our company ….we were late what we were was not this late!

So I drove hard, over throwing fears of driving, passing on the left, using tbat left lane,  all night long. Outside frieght for entertaient highways were dull. Dull is way better than the night before where it bored down in buckets on dark unstripped unlit roads. So another night overiding fear to have it all be invain? Shouldn’t having to ignore my need for potty breaks as much as I could get away with amount to something? Not in trucking it seems.

I am not a solo driver, my partner asleep didn’t get up when I did stop. Today he’s stopping and stopping. This is where I learn one more reason on why detesting this driving  so easy to do. I should be grateful I’m on  a truck working. This is a good thing. On the other hand I can complain about my unqualifications in keeping a  relationship going with the opposite sex. This eludes me.

I should be complacent during failures, relationships, sports and that ship. So for today being late sits disagreeable in the pit of my stomach. I don’t like it.

Feeling the efffects by a  sour taste  my hands reaches for a soft touch of my dog’s fur. Lou is soft his coatsoothes my displeasures with life. Greedily I check my other dog Daphne who peers from her bed (my bed) with loving brown peeps then I find the will to take a breather. My head lightens to see that my partner with kidney issues. Not his fault just bad timing is still at the wheel will have to deal with the retail giant I will sit quietly waiting for cues that if at all possible tell me when I’ll get off this road. I mutter a prayer ‘dear Lord please make it sooner than later’

I want off this truck. It doesn’t seem to matter that in the last five weeks made more money than ever. Money can buy alot but what it hasn’t provided is time with my  grandbaby. That’s all I want , write at home to earn enough to be with my Riley Roos. Driving a truck will not do that. Leaving this truck will cost about what it cost to get on too.. I’m here only because a company was willing to hire me, it has zero to do with desire.( It will help play apart in a script) Getting on board had a huge price, I lost my grandbaby, my cats, my birds and nearly my relatiomship with my son who did lose custody of his daughter as a direct result of poor pay from learning tbe truck business. In leaving the new price will be losing my partner.

I thought alot  about consequences the night before white knuckling in rain as I went from Kingmen Az all the way into Albuquerque NM. That’s when I took a break. I became mesmerized by  glitter suspended before my truck.
This was truly a sight in Albuquerque. Night sKy blacker than pitch a cloud stretched as a feather boa above glittery twinkling lights. Rainbow array of illumination floated out from overpasses released tension in my grip of the wheel, spreading upwards for the temples pounding. It didn’t last but returned wben entering Memphis TN the glitter won in gaining my attention.

When I tell people I drive a truck they automatically say how exciting. What an adventure it must be for you! I always say oh yes it’s quiet fun. Why should I say hell no its boring! Thats what I want to say but it feels rude. Think that’s why I stop by here. I haven’t told my partner tbat I hate this truck as he discusses what kind of truck he’d like ‘us’ to buy. Be can go on about what a great tie our future will be as truckers. I think uugh. I want my grand daughter, I samt a bathroom, I want to sleep in a nonmoving bed so I can wake ready to face the day with exercise, go gran a cup of tea from my kitchen and settle behind the keyboard to write.
I love the night lights love the lityle towns such as the one today Gordansville VA. I can ecperience it all better in a car. A truck is like beimg a child at a toy store window front.  He or she can see the shiny play things they can’t touch it. I can view but I can’t get involved. Trucks requires special parking then there’s time running against you. Time isn’t your friend as a driver. I have to watch it constantly to prevent violations yet somehow I lose whole days. Ho figure.

But I like the glitter and not the dull. Without dull highways I may not appreciate the glittery evenings as I find clues on where to get off.


Waiting for that sound that’s all mine


Waiting takes patience, so does typing on a cell phone atleast for today I have my reading glassed. It’s incredible how I lose items like my glasses inside a small space but I go days before they turn up. But this nlog’s subject isn’t about losing my stuff its about enduring waiting. Or are they really one in the same?…humm think there’s more to this.

I don’t believe enjoyment abounds being placed on hold. The calmist person looses cool when their call is routed to hold. Anger could be blamed on sitting there listening to computerized jazz music or simply named elevator musak. Tortious sounds entering sensitive eardrums well can elevate hatred for being on hold.  In life there’s no soundtrack when we are stopped. You wait in silence without cues on when it will end.

When it comes to this background ambience I’d go with …..ah oh can’t come up with a happy tune. First song to mind was the Beatles ‘Ticket to Ride’ it’s got a catchy beat lyrics are down right depressing.

Difficult part of choosing is that my music preference is heavy rock I love it! Absolutely love it and being on thr roaf there are some really terrific stations! Inbetween those great ones are the complete opposite of great then there’s static.  Lately I have been turning the Christian stations on.Sometimes its by choice too. Could I go with a soundtrack from this genre? Possibly  for now I couldn’t but when I do it will be upbeat, the kind that will put a jig in my step.

Do you feel it’s important to have a positive beat to live life through?

Reading helps me out but music stays completely in tack. What I read gets jumbled  mixed in ways  its lost. Meditating on words is a disaster. My mind won’t be quiet. It roams and strolls there is no hold button for me. My life goes on hold real well not my brain.

Holding in this holding pattern of my life will continue until I figure it out. Accepting it could be vital. One thing, for this lamb acceptance lasts until the next strife encountered. How do I hang on to acceptance  being able to find joy in isolation of being on hold?

They say trusting in God, allowing Jesus into your life brings joy woth a bonus of Hom filling in the holes of your life. The thing is I do believe Jesus is my saviour, even as the words in the Bible are lost on me.

Will I be kept from family and friends until I do get the Bible? The idea has me in tears as I type this out. I miss my family my friends who I haven’t seen on years.

Well they do say the Lord doesn’t give you more than you can handle. Can I handle enough to deal with this? Not much of a choice is there. So I will continue to look for that happy beat you know the one that has you hooked from the get go. There’s no question because your name is written in the rythmn that’s what I want for my soundtrack. So in waiting to get off of hold will be seeking out musicial beats to dance my life through. Not such a bad quest is it?

This pic is my truck  where I reside




Thinking and thinking not much else to do but ponder what is life all about? Is it really necessary for me to be huddled inside the cab of a rig holding  corners down of  pavement at a truck stop? Why, why  can I opem up a couple of blogs and posts sparingly yet cannot make likes or comments to appear?

This is labor day wouldn’t it be more beneficial to be at home with my grandbaby over this truck lifestyle? I can go on forever with lines of guestioning of this nature but we all know that answers seldom come.

Left with no answers walked my dogs imagine illegally through a corm field s couple times between wandering isles of the Flying J. I  am not a shopper and if I were would have felt I was thrown into a shopper’s hell inside this store.

Flying J is an adequate truckers stop, not as well stocked as a Pilot marginally better than Loves but  all of the above superior to a TA. TA’s quess are fine fof nick nacks not so for this driver. Well today as it was yesterday holding the asphalt dowm at Flying J. Yesterday the task was easy I was exhausted had driven all night from Victorville Ca to Moundridge Ks. I thought when I got to California I was going home after fifteen days on the road.

Exhaustion I feel is bone weary as I picked up a gift card. Nice card actually gorgeous if I could afford it there would be very little chance of finding stamps and less a mail box for sending it off. Crawling back into the cab for hibernating read the few posts in my following lists.

Subjects seem to follow a central idea and that is God is in control and has us right where he wants us…..stuck in a truck at a truck stop? So I think some more…why?

Well I better hit the sack never know what yomorrow will take me to.  Before I go  would like thank those who have chosen to follow my blog. I can’t even get a good friend to hear my writings and a few of you have been kind enough to do so. I do love to write and would give a left arm to be better! In the wish department if I could formally offer thanks to you but my cell isn’t quite capable of doing so.

My thinking won’t shut off and if by some luck

one of you find my answer on why I am driving this truck could you pass the info on? If I stumble along one of your questions on life I will do my best to pass it along too.


When is it right to say no?

We are hearing a ton of rhetoric on  Syria. Obama says poisonous gases were used on their own people. This naturally has me desiring to run off with his intentions of fixing these poor people! Then I look at all the moral decay of our own governments decisions so I must ask. ‘how much truth is there?’ We’ve been lied to before why not this time? And just who is the liar this time?

But who are the liars I ask again.  Is it the UN who said no to our president?

United Nations is an organization who’s mission is one I agree on yet it has done very little to help solve problems and it has been said this UN is to play an important role with New World order we hear so often about.

I  disagree with any attempts to bring about New World order maybe wrong here but it spells the end of world. My thoughts negatively explode with why are they saying nope to Obama?  Isn’t it the UN’s job to save the helpless? Or is it a  apart of this grand scheme that I feel is an evil Satan style agenda?

England declaring they will take no part and then injected how they would not be surprised if Obama goes ahead with attack when all have said no. I have to scratch my head when England doesn’t line up with us the United States.

His he wrong or right? Obama?

This president has fallen out of favor. I feel alot of things hes fought for have been a battle mostly because the Republicans want control and what better way than to make the current party look so dreadful to the voters eyes.  This alone has sickened my taste buds for all politians.  They seem to have zero concerns for the citizens of this fine nation unless its election time. We hear talk rarely do we witness any of their promises fulfilled. So getting  behind him our president can’t do anymore then again who could I get behind whole heartedly?

Back to my fears my guts reaction to these government officials in my book are scandalous. What can I say? We need health care and look at what they came up with! Fines for no coverage? We all want health insurance what we cannot pay is 500-900 a month for it. Then the nightmare provisions of these rumors of death panels. Are these rumors have truth or are the rumors liars too?

So many lies so many aweful  things have come along in these tough years. I am a designers assistant out of work  for years now a long haul truck driver. This is not me and there are millions of others like me working in fields we never dreamt of and we are the lucky ones. Many many are going without work without food or a roof over their heads. I just now saved my roof that I was being evicted from because of horrible wages.

Should I have joined the compaign of fast food worker needing a decent wage? Answer quickly pops up yes! But all that would happen is higher costs so in the end they the worker still lose while corporations profits are in the billions.

Corporations with Politians always win where citizens pay their bills. Just how deep are our pockets?

I have nothing left over for me so am I basing my no because of costs? Rapidly  back peddling to politians lies they have rained down on us.

I want a no because I don’t trust our officials. It doesn’t feel right and I can’t resolve myself to figure out just how to find the truth. Are Syrians being poisoned by their government? Why would a government benefit by killing its own people?

In the United States as a driver seen miles of GMO fields, seen the cattle sitting in filth so thick the air can be seen and the smell well is noxious. This isn’t healthy. Might explain cancer all the deseases people are dying from.

If you feel no is the answer please tell our president Obama. Don’t just complain, do something there is little time left to be complacent. America cannot afford to be idle. Support him or say no sitting on the fence isn’t action. We need to let them know that we citizens are here.

Thank you I really did like your blogs


Getting onto WordPress I find to be one of lifes little treats. You know the rootbeer float shared with a close friend or the sound of your granchild’s giggles. No matter my mood my granbaby’s chuckles will lift me up as well as does a  visit with a buddy. WordPress makes an excellent substitute out on the road so far away from family and friends.

My only qualm is this all I do is through a phone. Awesome to realize just how much a simple cell phone can handle. Limitations are decreasing daily so given it’s short comings these issues are around a corner to evaporate.

About these limitations of using a cell phone which is slight is still inconvenient for me. See I can’t follow new blogs and there are alot of times  my ‘like’ responces will not work.

This seem trival considering I could have nothing at all. I could keep on ignoring impulses to respond them again I know how bloggers are serious, thoughtful in taking painstaking effort to place a best foot forward. Their hearts and mind hold an inkly of hope that this crafted idea or story will connect with their reader.  This is the disappointment for me to not be able to return a like and its a further drag to not be able to find more tidbits through following.

As  far as my new venture in life these items repeat themselves and not just in writing. They are in my thoughts, and in my heart of emotions . Its just a few words but they are rolled over and over and one of them is this..Missing.

A sad little  word that’s tainting what should be satisfying emotional reasoning yet missing leaves my state dissatisfied when the end of day is replayed at bedtime. Missing means I can’t be with my family, missing friends I haven’t seen,  missing the  WordPress world by not connecting as I feel I should. I haven’t seen trodtrippin she a fantastic photographer, motherhood is an art, my kids sure they are all grown up but she makes laugh recalling her tales. I thought for a few years I’d never make it but here I am and all intack too. There are so many to list each would take more than this phone can handle.

One blogger has reminded along with so many others is this word. Its small in ways but carries power over the negative effects of the world. Grateful. …So this  needs to be pulled out not just for refection periodically I must remind my heart to be that always counting my blessings.

Even as I sit in this yard after taking a trailer full of lettuce to WalMart before the sun rose tired with that lettuce still filling up my reefer. Its there because tbey are in boxes not plastic trays. So what happens to all this food? Will it remain there until it rots? So I rapidly forget grateful and dwell on that other word – missing. Only if it were solely about those missing meals. No nothing that forthright it’s more about what I feel entitled to! Completely forgetting  that I  have a codriver a partner where before there wasn’t anyone there., working yes it may not be what I want it is a job.

Such effort to keep trying to rebel against my ugly nature. Though I may not understand why I am a long haul driver or if this is all apart of God’s plan. My mind can’t wrap around saying constantly ‘ A trucker seriously is apart of God’s will?’ It’s all hard to say but being grateful I know is the whole reasoning for my life or anyones I presume on this of course.

Somehow I must be thankful for all of His works even when the tides are against me. This is the area I need to dig in deeper for corrections. In writing this it all has this proper sound all the while the inner battle rages that I want it all.

So where does WordPress fit onto all of this? I miss you all as much as my family friends. I see you as apart of my friends as I sit sipping a cup of tea reading your stories, tales of parenting, what happened at work, the best parts are always ones about how you  made it through  hurdles. Some of you express how problem solving prayers work  and if not found peace anyways during trials. Some of you have quick wits getting several chuckles rolling up from my gut. I miss you the bloggers I had become do dependant on for sanity sakes.

The best way I know to pass along a thank you is by clicking on the like button. That seems to not work lately and getting my wifi to open this refreshing stop is a task in itself.  So here it is thank ypu for all you bloggers do. I love your intellect, the ability to share mishaps, ideas and ideology, recipes for cooking and for dealing with life. Brave ones have followed me and thYou hand out more than words on a screen your the laughter roaring from my belly the teardrop in empathy just a neat little niche to escape to. Thank you!

Sitting with triple j


Good afternoon to those who’ve crossed this path as I squat temporaily seeking refudge from this rediculously sultry humidity in the big state of Texas. Don’t get me wrong I like Texas, like the people, the scenic highway even as it unfolds for miles beneath my eighteen wheels. What I don’t care for is how the air wraps around in ways a damp warmed over sweater does. A wet stinky dog could be applicable yet this idea doesn’t suit me mostly because I love dogs. I love all kinds of dogs, shaggy wet smelly ones it doesn’t matter when they rush up with enthusiasm for hugs. This air has nothing in common with fun loving canines so it holds no love in it’s arms. This air that can be cut with a dull knife only wants to strangle their prey. As an over the hill hot flashing woman this stuff  delights in my misery. This is why I’m huddled in a  tractor’s cab begging and prodding an air conditioner to keep going.

For those who may or may not know anout big rigs they have an optimized idol to keep the engine running so that such things as air conditioning, electrical devices keep working. Without this fundamental idoling truckers would perish under a baking sun. Cab’s housing and shape msle for fantastic ovens! Even if that sun doesn’t appear to be all that close to most will still simmer a trucker like a over cooked piece of steak, well done. In recent years the trucking industry has developed a nifty device called an APU. This is a plug in to elevate idling. This wonderful technology as cool as it is only costs nine gran making for few companies to be willing to purchase. I look at this recent fuel receipt scratching my head on  why not? It smarts my head ackes with thought, suddenly the answer comes if I owed this small company and if I took that figure of  nine grand times it by 10 trucks – that is alot of dough!

Being frugal to a certain point I try to make do letting the engine knock itself out. ..thirty seconds. forty seconds …oh lord sixty seconds! A full minute,  sweat is beading up on my body, now its dripping my hand is lunging for keys at the ignition.  I hear the thunder of a tractor’s diesel engine oh how good it feels with a refreshing breeze. Ah this is so soothing it  has halted my tacky sweat beads as my behind settles back into a seat. I stay close right in the drivers seat because it will go off this truck  did not come with an optimize idol system.

Dealing with heat, loosing all reality of dates, time are just a few one gives up when taking such a position as a professional driver. I on the other hand I do not consider myself a professional driver and even further away in hearing trucker as part of my identity. I’m here by filling in a line on an unemployment form, an accident by running out of places to apply. The darn thing is that company said yes! My life what I used to know has been stripped away, gone is anything and everything that holds comfort. No more are there safe zones to hide behind, no walls, no covers to pull up over my head. I sleep on a bed that actually slams me down with enough force that my whole body gets lifted by three inches before the crash. My head throbs from a fierce battle it takes to get sleep. It maybe good training if a need to  change fields comes around. Maybe the world will soon be ready for a middle aged female wrestler? Just saying no one knows what kind of ring one can get these days. Incase it does come I hope that call is missed!

Speaking of calls I think this will be a thorn to content with for a long way too long for these weak nerves to bear. I haven’t with any success understood what it sounds like to get a call from the Lord. Is there a definite rings like trumpets playing? I think it sneaks up like ghost in comical movies. Picture Costello in the invisible man film. Lou suspects hes got someone Bud tells hom he’s being silly, a game I play on solitare. Just like this trucking business it seems to have ear marks of the Lord whenever which is constantly that pondering Peter getting out of the boat in a storm. An obsession slash hobby by picturing him getting out of that boat. I swore that I couldn’t do that.

Water I am terrified of and well scary is just plain scary. I don’t do horror movies, too frightening for me. I don’t walk into a room full of strangers all bubbly running up introducing myself. These people strangers are scary! Not only is ghe one who does run up so are the rest and why? Don’t know myself but there they are everywhere I go….strangers… rooms loaded down with human beings I haven’t ever met before.

Humm..all the other comforts zipped away completely out of reach as I cry into my mattress. I’d say pillow if I had one to cry into but nope there’s no pillow to hold my tears. Thankfully there’s a partner in my misery, but still I try to keep tears to a
minimum. A tractor is such a small space that tears take up to much to hold. Got to be joyful otherwise misery breeds.

Anything negative takes flight with little effort where positive energy takes alot of work. Why is that? Bad is so easy to cultivate where good is not natural.

This guy is pretty special, not in the reference people often snicker of today. This is the old fashion terminology as a good thing. He’s patient overlooking as gears grind when I’m nervous ( which is all the time because I HATE driving) this guy actually thinks I’m pretty his words are sexy he thinks I am sexy did you catch that? And yes he needs his prescription glasses repaired. I cannot ever remember someone thinking I was someone special. So why do I want to run away?

My legs like my heart want to run hard and so far that I actually took steps to do so in Denver, in the middle of nowhere in Nebraska, Portland and in Punxstwaney Pa. I came back, he waited smiling removing a tear from my face.

He’s not perfect like who is?. He grew up in city with gangs while I realize in his stories how close to Mayberry I had grown up  in. He fought for what he got even as a eight year old, retelling of a baby sitter whose husband was a hells angel. My guy the child got beat up, her answer was to supply him with a bike chain and orders to not come back until he nailed the kid with it. Being tough seems necessary where he was and he still is working very hard to not be that person any more.

He’s not afraid of changes and he’s embracing this lifestyle like it were made for him. This is the thing it’s not. He may like driving, we all like driving, a truck is another animal. He has little patience for traffic that city driving pulls the old beast from him. When I’m up he works on it shoving it down like a bad pill, when I’m asleep he’s a firey dragon and forget about schedule changes they rattle the tigers cage.

I can handle other drivers, city or not unless I need to make a lane change. It’s not others its me terrified of flattening those around. Forget backing I am so fearful of hurting someone that I can’t do it . Personally think he is too but men won’t say so.

This man likes regime but in todays world its hard to hold on to what you know. He’s a plumber a fix it guy and companies want cheap labor, a man with fifteen years experience costs which is why he’s driving. We’re both new so we cost less than one real driver.

Funny I began the last patagraph about him taking to this driving then went into the opposite direction. Okay its not the driving that lulls him its the deversion from unemployment and all that comes with it. I know as a woman it chewed up what little self esteem there was so it had to have done the same if not more so because he had made a real wage.  I never really made good money but he did. I wanted the confidence seen in people who did, that kind of sensation  was always out of my reach. Came close once, it didn’t last long but that brush felt so good it wasn’t forgotten.

Good things don’t seem to last either. Not to be pessimistic  I do take note of the wild flowers growing along side country roads I must have a hundred photos of these beautiful creations of the Lord’s. Delicate and gorgeous that they are really do not bring on a good dose of confidence or pay my bills. I notice the line up in stars and how peaceful a night sky has in charactor I have also seen them angry as the Missouri sky two nights ago, also experienced Oklahoma’s tornadoes that caused damages. Since I have been on this road there have been  assortment of dangers: fires, winds, rains. My financial problems have magnified with the same severity of them wrecking holes into what’s left of mine to destroy.

In my readings have read the best way to stop it is to go along by submitting to the elements. If I burn my hand on a hot pot do I put my hand back? No! Not unless I’m an  idiot and here I sit in a parking lot of a Flying J’s huddled in a cab influenced to stay put by a seductive air conditioner and to avoid what I know smells of urine. This nast order lingers on the outside of my door because male drivers will pee anywhere even when a place provides nice clean restrooms.

This where he my partner and I differ in trucking. He can pee into a cup I can’t however with me around he does reframe from lifting his leg like the other pack of dogs do so he does the humanly thing by using public restrooms. I seem to remember when fearing that too, public potties were uugh awful now I glorfy their convenience to the point of worshipping and praying to God with heartfelt thanks.  Speaking of which I must go visit them now.
My partner’s cheese for the camera.


I don’t know much except for this one thing I could not drive this truck if it weren’t for Jesus’s protection.


One more reason on why I hate driving…no Riley Roos


Flip flop? My mind flips topics like it was toilet paper!


I have access to wifi …yippy! Now for the goodies that my mind tosses out like that stiff found beside the commode. This lamb can go controversal by digging into the heaviest of them abortion, gay marriage or which way to put up the rolls of paper towels. Do I want others to tear the sheets from the top or from underneath?

Or should I jump into the political debates? Oh boy tough one, huh? Medical coverage for everyone or not? I’ll admit it I do want coverage for all Americans but should I trust politicians with my well being? No one in any party has given me much to rave about when it comes to their performances. So yeah as much as I welcomed the discussion I have since ran away with my tail betwern my legs. This debate can go forever and this lamb would flip her mind a dozen more times.

Well what about taxes and edication? So what have I done with taxes and a childs education could keep any one armed paper hanger busier thane ever. More taxes? Nope they didn’t do so well with what they got why hand over hard  more earned bills? This could be one of the few subjects that has not changed sides. Monies easy like that you know; where schools and government involvement can get complicated real fast. Schools being funded without hestitation needs to be number one. These kids are this country’s future and somehow they get lost in the numbers game. If I had to raise my sons all over again home schooling and working with satellite programs would be my choice. This is a complete change over! Before I worried about social interaction that I closed off a world of possibilities leaving my boys with a government education. Now this isn’t all bad don’t get me wrong. There’s nothing wrong with schools especially if the parent is well versed in the curriculum and get in up to their elbows. I wasn’t. I was shy my sons needed more attention teacher changes etc and I wasn’t formable enough to assert those changes for my own children. Today my cares are more about what kinds of morality are they teaching?

Morality wow biggest of the biggest and I have mauled over changed twisted until I couldn’t even today explain what my morals are. As a teenager spoke eagerly with enthusiasm on the topic. Today I tippy toe. I have convictions mind you just more inclined to not hurt anothers sensitivities. For what I do have sums it up each of us will one day stand before the Lord. We will all have sinned; we will be very dirty in his eyes and our own. We will be frightfully ashamed and yet for those who love Christ Jesus he removes all that filth! I think that is pretty dang awesome! Don’t you think so too?

So my aim is to never flip flop like I have with worldly subjects when it comes to my heart and His love for each of us. Dirty, disoriented, we lost and go astray so easily and he still gave His all for you and me.


Good Evening


This has been a strange not bad mind you kind of day. Sun was out though we traveled through some treacherous weather, like narrowly missing Ohio’s wind tearing up roofs, rearranging corn fields. If that wasn’t enough for Ohioians rivers were running pretty darn high. We dropped our load
in Illinois then we were routed for Scaramento dashing on rainy highways and a blast of more wind looking mysteriously like a tornado. I’ll admit after  experiencing  Oklahoma City I can be sensitive make that closer to paranoid when the winds scream by my way.

But I didn’t jump on here to discuss the weather. I came here because well I don’t know.  See it all started by reading my little daily scripture. You know those ones that pop up in your phone app and it  ususally brightens the day by having for those few seconds of reading be about something other than yourself. I’m not looking at bills that I can’t pay, wasn’t reading Facebook or WordPress where I enjoy until the overwhelming saddness of not always being able to connect. In this big world with all the technology designed just to keep us in connection that I should have a lose of this nature. Then that’s me and same goes for what brought me here….my instruction today was on listening to the Lords voice. Why does it always come to the one thing I cannot hear?
I hum along okay not bad then soneone throws a snag where I stumble. Listening and hearing which takes me to trusting the Lords plans for me. I am sitting inside a truck unbathe from the last four days refusing to have our tractor towed (grease and gunk most likely hub grease all over the braking system ) because this will keep me longer from that shower I have begging for all day. By the way I have not arrived as of yet.

Was this trucking in his plans? Or am I a bad listener? To me it was a line on an unemployment form nothing more nothing less. Did I need the job? Yes sirre I did! Then again thought it paid better than minimum wage. We are making way less. On this part not questioning I may not hear so well but can do sone decent guess work. My conclusion is being totally dependent on Him…maybe I’m wrong or I could have nailed it. Still doesn’t answer my why the trucking?

Why trucking? See I can’t get away from asking! At first thought this was like trying to get out if the boat. Not a dip my toe to see if the temps are good for a dip. Nope! This was yank that boat right out from under. Soon I had nothing tbat was safe familuar. Not one person not a scent of home to be found.

A few people were introduced and that my friends was a blast. I mean I loved it and all too soon we left our school to spread wings out on the open road. Sadness crept in. I had my trainer quite awkward hopping on board of a cab a place we work sleep and eat in. I had become his housequest. Awkward! I say again.

My salvation was meeting my codriver. He texted phoned talked for hours. My heart made a return trip to my youth with his constant attention. Most men don’t give me the time a day like the last guy. Since I have been divorced 30 years have dated less than a handfull. I do need attention, my dogs need attention, my cats and my birds crave attention so why should I go without? Is this part of God’s plan? Anyone Christian would say no. I on the other hand can’t cope any longer with being single.

My mind asks “If I didn’t take the call for trucking I wouldn’t have met him” . I asked for what to happen to be of his will. Am I here of my own will or his? How does one know?
Night fall…


When the cloak of darkness comes the questions pour in. There are no sunlight or other distractions blocking the unanswerable mysteries. The silence of night time, fainted by distance television  from homes a horn honks on the highway too softly to interrupt my thoughts. The air is cool not cold no wind  tossing in my hair (dirty hair mind you) so this is a good night. We made it with a blown hub seal we are both alive and well, so maybe we can find out tomorrow or the next day what the Lord’s plans are for us.

For those of you hace a good night and pleasant dreams. I think I hear my shower calling.

Good Evening

This has been a strange not bad mind you kind of day. Sun was out though we traveled through some treacherous weather, like narrowly missing Ohio’s wind tearing up roofs, rearranging corn fields. If that wasn’t enough for Ohioians rivers were running pretty darn high. We dropped our load
in Illinois then we were routed for Scaramento dashing on rainy highways and a blast of more wind looking mysteriously like a tornado. I’ll admit after  experiencing  Oklahoma City I can be sensitive make that closer to paranoid when the winds scream by my way.

But I didn’t jump on here to discuss the weather. I came here because well I don’t know.  See it all started by reading my little daily scripture. You know those ones that pop up in your phone app and it  ususally brightens the day by having for those few seconds of reading be about something other than yourself. I’m not looking at bills that I can’t pay, wasn’t reading Facebook or WordPress where I enjoy until the overwhelming saddness of not always being able to connect. In this big world with all the technology designed just to keep us in connection that I should have a lose of this nature. Then that’s me and same goes for what brought me here….my instruction today was on listening to the Lords voice. Why does it always come to the one thing I cannot hear?
I hum along okay not bad then soneone throws a snag where I stumble. Listening and hearing which takes me to trusting the Lords plans for me. I am sitting inside a truck unbathe from the last four days refusing to have our tractor towed (grease and gunk most likely hub grease all over the braking system ) because this will keep me longer from that shower I have begging for all day. By the way I have not arrived as of yet.

Was this trucking in his plans? Or am I a bad listener? To me it was a line on an unemployment form nothing more nothing less. Did I need the job? Yes sirre I did! Then again thought it paid better than minimum wage. We are making way less. On this part not questioning I may not hear so well but can do sone decent guess work. My conclusion is being totally dependent on Him…maybe I’m wrong or I could have nailed it. Still doesn’t answer my why the trucking?

Why trucking? See I can’t get away from asking! At first thought this was like trying to get out if the boat. Not a dip my toe to see if the temps are good for a dip. Nope! This was yank that boat right out from under. Soon I had nothing tbat was safe familuar. Not one person not a scent of home to be found.

A few people were introduced and that my friends was a blast. I mean I loved it and all too soon we left our school to spread wings out on the open road. Sadness crept in. I had my trainer quite awkward hopping on board of a cab a place we work sleep and eat in. I had become his housequest. Awkward! I say again.

My salvation was meeting my codriver. He texted phoned talked for hours. My heart made a return trip to my youth with his constant attention. Most men don’t give me the time a day like the last guy. Since I have been divorced 30 years have dated less than a handfull. I do need attention, my dogs need attention, my cats and my birds crave attention so why should I go without? Is this part of God’s plan? Anyone Christian would say no. I on the other hand can’t cope any longer with being single.

My mind asks “If I didn’t take the call for trucking I wouldn’t have met him” . I asked for what to happen to be of his will. Am I here of my own will or his? How does one know?
Night fall…


When the cloak of darkness comes the questions pour in. There are no sunlight or other distractions blocking the unanswerable mysteries. The silence of night time, fainted by distance television  from homes a horn honks on the highway too softly to interrupt my thoughts. The air is cool not cold no wind  tossing in my hair (dirty hair mind you) so this is a good night. We made it with a blown hub seal we are both alive and well, so maybe we can find out tomorrow or the next day what the Lord’s plans are for us.

For those of you hace a good night and pleasant dreams. I think I hear my shower calling.